Assembly Scheduling of Prefabricated Building Components for Modular Construction


Lihui Huang
Roshan Pradhan
Souravik Dutta
Yiyu Cai


CAE Visualization Lab
School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Nanyang Technological Unversity


This research addresses the problem of assembly scheduling in crane-assisted precast construction while considering issues of building layout interference and optimal crane lifting. Traditionally, assembly scheduling and lifting path planning are treated as two separate issues due to their distinct natures. The current work introduces an approach that combines them for precast construction planning to achieve a comprehensive and cost-effective solution. A BIM4D-based Intelligent Assembly Scheduler (BIAS) is designed in conjunction with the LPS developed at NTU Singapore. The scheduler takes an inbuilt timeframe for selected precast elements from BIM4D as input and outputs the micro-schedule in terms of the assembly sequence for these precast elements. Given a group of precast elements and their BIM4D timeframe, the micro-scheduling is determined based on (1) the relative importance of the elements’ physical properties, (2) the interference (neighbouring relation) among the elements’ positions, and (3) collision-free lifting paths of the elements. A Multi-level Elitist Genetic Algorithm (MEGA) is proposed to determine the optimal sequence taking into consideration both the assembling and lifting of the elements. A case study is performed with the BIM4D data of a residential building. The results of the case study demonstrate BIAS's efficiency and effectiveness for BIM4D-based construction scheduling.


BIM4D-based scheduling for assembling and lifting in precast-enabled construction

Lihui Huang*, Roshan Pradhan*, Souravik Dutta, Yiyu Cai

Automation in Construction, vol. 133, 2022

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